Thursday, July 11, 2013

{I wish I could tell you}

Little One...

I watched you today...

My mind and soul hurt for you as I witnessed you do something that you didn't even realize. Your society has perverted your know how to move your body, how to dance in ways to draw attention. Only, at this age, you don't yet realize the attention that you will receive.

You see, little one, I watched you today...

I watched 3 men over the age of 20 watch your body move. It wasn't your intention to make them lust..but it did. They watched and cheered as your body shaked..

I wanted to stop you, little one...

 photo dd9bfbc9-41c5-4e7b-945d-3e276fb6aaf8_zps71fd589d.jpg 

Today, little one, I wish I could tell you...

* Your beautiful the way God created you to be....
* You don't need the attention from others to be satisfied. Jesus is the only one that will satisfy you.
* You don't need to advertise yourself to be loved. You are are loved by your creator and you are loved by me.
* The yearning in your heart for someone...that comes from the him, not others.

Little One, I pray for you...

* I pray you will know and understand the love of your Savior and Redeemer.
* I pray your needs will be meet, so you don't sell your body to support yourself.
* I pray you will save yourself.
* I pray that you grow to be a warrior for Christ...

You are loved, little one.


Kathy Berres said...

oh Ashley! That breaks my heart. Sadly it is the same story over and over and over...oh dear Jesus, reach into this little girl's heart and those of thousands of other little girls and be their Rescuer and Redeemer, pick them up and carry them close to Your heart as their Father.
Your blog is beautifully written!

ThistleAshD said...

ohh this is so moving and heartbreaking. beautifully said and so gut wrenchingly honest. Prayers for all the little girls!