Saturday, November 1, 2014

{November Goals}

It's hard to believe that today is already November 1st. October flew by and the holidays are on their way. Normally today, I would be listening to Christmas Music and decorating for Christmas....however, I didn't have the decorating in me today (it's been a long week)...but have no fear, the Christmas Music is on. 

A review from last month....

October Goals
1. Bake  - I made a bath of Pumpkin Bread. That is about all, but I did something :)
2. Date Night - Didn't do this again, ugh fail. This month it will happen. 
3. Take more pictures (With my good camera) - I got some, score! 
4. Make some videos to send my students.   I didn't make as many as I wanted, but it is a start. 
5. Read a book - I didn't even open a book this month.

November Goals
1. Decorate for Christmas - The goal is to have this done in the next two weeks.
2. Date Night - This will happen this month. Harvest should be over, so no excuses.
3. Go to the cities as a family. - We haven't been in a while and I would love to see some of friends and maybe take a trip to the Mall of America.
4. Start Christmas Shopping - My family draws name, so when we do that I can start shopping.
5. Eat Clean - It's starting with Shakeology and then also more healthy lunches. I tend to eat something that is quick for lunch, which does not mean healthy. If your interested in buying some check out my Beachbody Site.
6. Have a play date - Invite some friends over and their kids and enjoy some time with friends.
7. Start P90 - It's in the mail. I failed miserably at P90x, I loved it, just didn't have the time! Excited for the shortened version! I can do 30 min a day!

Here's to another month!

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