Wednesday, May 6, 2015

{May Goals}

April was one of those month, that has me going, "it's over?" Yet, at the same time, it felt really long. Do you ever have those months? There is a lot I am looking forward to in May, but we have to take it week by week, because....those SENIORS!!! Any teachers out there feel my pain! I just need to keep remembering that I really do love them and in 4 weeks, they too will be different!

Here is a review of my April Goals. 
1. A date night with my hubby.  - This didn't happen. I would like to put it on my May list, but that is looking unlikely!
2. Read 1 fiction/1 non-fiction book. - I finished "Miracle on Voodoo Mountain" this was written by my friend Megan! I love her heart and her story of obedience is extraordinary. I finished half a fiction book :) 
3. Take 1 picture everyday on my good camera (not my iphone).  Ok, I didn't take one everyday, but it was close, so I'm crossing it off!!
4. Record 100 of my 1000 gifts. - I love this habit. It makes me focus on the little things to be thankful for and allows me to see what God is doing everyday, even in the small things.
5. Go to the park at least once a week.  Lia loves the slide and the swings! So fun to get out!
6. Help 5 more people reach their health and fitness goals.  I love this...I've seen some gals those 15 + lbs this month! Some fitting in clothes they haven't in years! So incredible.
7. Blog at least once a week.  - I only got in 3 :(
8. Send 1 hand written note a week.  - I loved writing to my friends!! So fun!
9. Listen to 1 sermon podcast a week. - I only managed to do this twice!!

Now on to May!!

May Goals
1. Read 1 fiction/1 non -fiction book: It's so nice to sit back and read!
2. Two play dates this month. We need to get out more and have friends here more. 
3. Go on a family trip!!
4. Girls Night - As much as I want a date night! I would love a girls night too!
5. Write 1 hand written note each week.
6. 100 of 1000 gifts.

Do you set monthly goals?? What are yours? 

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