Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Giving It All Away

I recently purchased the devotional "Jesus, I Need You" by Zondervan

They are quick 2-3 minute devotionals. Today's topic was "Giving It All Away". 
They write: "Jesus, I have a confession to make. I feel afraid to entrust everything to You. I know that You love me and want only the best for me. Still, it's so hard to give up total control of every aspect of my life....Help me give You my everything." 

The truth....

I've learned this lesson over and over again....

I'm a control freak...

In my heart and mind, I know I don't control everything, but in my heart, I want to. 

The truth desire to control really comes out of a spirit of unhealthy fear. Fear that life isn't going to go as planned, fear of failure, fear of the unknown. 

I need to work on giving up control in my marriage, parenting, my future, my walk with God, my work, and my relationships. 

The truth is...control sucks the life out of me. It takes up so much energy, trying to be perfect and trying to hold on to everything. 

The truth is...I'm really saying and portraying that I don't trust God, I don't trust my husband, I don't trust my friends and family...

The truth is...I've sinned against all of these people. This is not my desire....

The truth is...I do trust God
I do trust my husband
I do trust my friends and family

The truth is...I will try to let go!


Whitney @ Making the Most said...

Thanks for sharing! I can so identify. I'm working on a book on fear which focuses mostly on the fact that fear is a lack of trust. Thanks for the reminder.

Godly Homemaker (Andrea) said...

i'm learning to trust God, too :D