Thursday, July 2, 2015

{July Goals}

Why is it that the summer months always fly by? I love Minnesota Summers...The longs days, weekends at the lake, baseball at the park, boat rides, etc. with that being said, June is over...let's see how we did. 
June Goals
1. Read 1 fiction/1 non fiction book -I got through 2 fiction books and 1 non-fiction
2. 100 of 1000 gifts -I love this of my favorite things to do each morning.
3. Help 5 new people reach their fitness goals - Had a great month and I have seen people make incredible transformations!
4. Run a half marathon - Ran in Fergus Falls half and PR'd
5. Date Weekend- this is the one I'm most proud of!! We left Lia with my parents and spent a night away. We had hibachi and relaxed in our hotel!!
6. Use Wife after God book as a devotional this month. - I did this a couple of years ago, but such a great book to focus on our marriage.
7. Spend a couple nights at the cabin as a family.- We spent 2 Friday nights there! I loved it!!

WOW!! I didn't think that would ever happen...completing every goal. Here we go for July.

July Goals
1. 100 of 1000 gifts
2. Start a 1000 gifts IG account - Just an IG account to document these gifts!
3. Read 1 fiction/1-nonfiction book
4. Help 5 new people reach their fitness goals
5. Start training for another half marathon.
6. Trip to Chicago
7. Do something fun every Friday

I hope you all have a great month!!

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