Wednesday, September 4, 2013

{Blogtember} - Oh the Places You'll Go

I'm sure you've all read this wonderful book, by Dr. Seuss...I've always loved the book. I remember in high school reading it and thinking, this wouldn't be true of me. Where would I really go? What would I really do?

About 5 years ago, a pastor of mine asked us, if you knew you were going to die in one year, what would you do. That was easy for me... I would go serve in places of need. I had no idea the journey God would bring me on.
Today I sit here, at 30, in awe of all God has done. In awe of the places he brought me, in awe of the way he has used me, and in awe of the things I have seen.
I was trying to think of places I would want to go for 90 days...sure there are cities I would love to visit, but no where for 90 days that I haven't already been. God's already done it. He's already brought me there. Today, I have no regrets about the places I'd wished I been...(if you want to read more about my journey to Haiti and back, go here.) For all of you wanderers out there. Go!! Have no regrets!!

1 comment :

Mandy said...

Love this post so much! One of my high school teachers read that book to us and added our names. It was pretty powerful for me even back then. I love knowing that all these places that we have been and will be are all a part of God's plan. So thankful that part of that plan was for our paths to cross.