Wednesday, December 17, 2014

{25 Days of Christmas} - Day 17 - Baby Wish List

It's time for buying presents for those you love! I decided to make a wish list for Little Lia.

How fun does this look. Every growing baby needs something to ride and push. 

Ok...they might not need this yet, but great for when they sit up!

Christmas Books 
Or any books for that matter

Because sometimes staying in one place isn't as fun!

Let's be honest, how many toys do babies really need??

Christmas Jammies
I love Jammies and every baby needs a set of Christmas Jammies

Teething Biscuits
You may hate these, but they keep them entertained for quite a while

These melt in their mouths and are yummy!!
Try not to sneak too many yourself :) 

What is your wishlist? 

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