Friday, October 25, 2013

{Saw it, Pinned it, Did it} - FIVE on FRIDAY!! PUMPKIN

Since it's Friday and 5 for Friday is all about Pumpkin!!!

If you have followed my blog for any amount of time, you may know that I am a lover of pumpkin, except pumpkin pie. I typically hate baking, but for some reason, when it involves pumpkin, I just have to do it.  
Today I wanted to share with you some of my favorite pumpkin recipes. Please excuse my photos, a lot of them were taken from my iPhone. 
 This turned out delicious and has become my hubbies new favorite thing to eat for breakfast. We ran out the other night so at 9pm I had to start another batch. It is super easy just takes a little while to bake :)
Recipe: 1 Box Spice Cake, 1 Can Pumpkin.
So easy...To spice it up, I added cream cheese frosting (to half, hubby doesn't like frosting).

I couldn't find the picture of mine, so picture is also taken from Blog. These are soooo good.

4//Pumpkin Spice Lattes
When living in Haiti, I craved these. So I had groups bring me in cans of pumpkin (of course I treated them to PSL's too).  These are super easy.

I couldn't find my picture of this one, but it was super easy to make and is such a light cake. Definitely a great treat to share with others.
There you have it...I saw it, pinned it, did it!!!
What are your favorite pumpkin treats?



The A Team said...

Hi Ashlee...I love your pumpkin post. How can you not love Pumpkin pie? LOL:) I love PSL's,too:) Have a great wknd!

Elise @ Her Heart and Home said...

hi from the linkup, doll!!! :) girl. i am pumpkin obsessed. i was going to make a pumpkin pasta recipe from pinterest for dinner this week and the hubs was like...please! just a little break from pumpkin!!!? oopsie! ;) can't stop won't stop! ;)


c a n d a c e said...

No fair - this post made me drool all over the keyboard! I'm dying to make that pumpkin bread with cinnamon streusel!!