Sunday, December 7, 2014

{25 Days of Christmas} - Day 7 - Peppermint Mocha

When we lived in Haiti, the closest coffee shop was about 2 hours away and even then, they didn't have very many specialty drinks. I learned to be creative with our coffee drinks, to change it up some and this easy at home Peppermint Mocha is still one of my favorites. 

All you need is coffee (I love a Keurig), and 1 York Peppermint Pattie.

Put the Peppermint Pattie in the bottom of your cup. 

Brew your coffee over the Patty

Give it a little stir and you are good to go!

See - Easy and Delicious, plus it doesn't have near the calories as a peppermint mocha from you favorite coffee shop and you made it at home!!

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