Sunday, February 8, 2015

{Lia Marie - 6 Months}

Lia - 

Our first 6 months with you have flown by. You've changed my life in so many ways and made me see life in a different view. How you have no fears, only trust you will be taken care of and you love without hesitation. 

At 6 months you are very independent. You are fine playing on your own and you like to discover new things. I pray your independence continues - but that you know it is ok to depend on others and you need to learn to be dependent on Christ. 

You are a go - getter and are very busy. I know you get this from me. It's a great trait to have, if you don't let yourself get worn down. Remember that it is important to rest and to say no sometimes. BUT...keep aiming high! Work hard and never give up!

You are very determined. I love this about you. It's one of the traits that I love most about your him, you're not going to let others put you down or tell you that you can't do something. The skies are your limits! Reach for them!

You are very happy. You have unspeakable joy. You smile, laugh and giggle all the time. Keep smiling. You will brighten peoples day!

We love you baby girl!

Just a little late! But never late than never :) 

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