Saturday, May 9, 2015

{Lessons Learned During Motherhood}

I by no means have this whole mothering thing figured out. In fact, each day I realize how much I have yet to learn and how much I daily need God's grace to get me through the day, but I have learned some lessons even in my first year of motherhood.

1. Every child is different - While I think it is good to seek advice from others, I've come to realize that no child is the same, they all learn to sleep through the night at different times, they like different foods, they learn to be mobile at different times, etc..

2. Stop comparing - Everyone's life situations are different, but everyone is doing the best they can...stop comparing to other moms and other kids. 

3. Be intentional - While Lia is still very small, I've noticed she still desires all of me. I work from home and feel like this is where I struggle the most. Sometimes I feel that I don't spend enough intentional time with her. I've been trying in the evenings to put my phone away and just to be with her until bed time. I've noticed she is way less fussy and she loves the time of playing. 

4. Take time with your spouse - I'll be the first to admit we aren't the best at this, but it's important that my hubby still comes before Lia and it's great for her to see us working on our marriage. 

5. Don't stress the little things - My mom told me this over and over again. It's amazing how it applies to every aspect of life, including motherhood. 

6. Give your children to God - Lia is a of God's greatest gifts he's every given me, but ultimately Lia is his daughter. There is a lot of fear in parenthood, but their is freedom in letting Her go and placing her in the hands of her Father! 

7. Be consistent - Lia loves a routine and I know as we get into her life more consistency with discipline will be key.

8. I'm a work in progress - I don't have motherhood figured out. In fact, when I think I have a handle on my little girl, something changes, we have a week of no sleep, etc...Also, there are so many times, I act out of selfishness, instead of out of grace. I'm a work in progress and that is ok.

9. Motherhood is about looking more like God - I was running with a good friend a couple of years ago and we were talking about marriage and how it was refining me, it was a like a mirror looking back at me. She commented that marriage is one of things God uses to make us look more like him, then she added, motherhood will do the same. She is right, Motherhood has shown me more areas of my life where I am weak and where I need God's grace.

What have you learned about from motherhood?

A special shout out on this fine day, to my mother! Thank you for loving me, thank you for being an example of a a Godly wife and mother and thank you for your selfless love! I love you!

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