Tuesday, October 8, 2013

{#31Days of Thanks} - Day 6 - Transformation

Moving back home is humbling...
This is me at age 17. I wasn't the nicest girl, I screwed up a lot, I made bad decisions, I was mean to people, I acted entitled, I wasn't sympathetic, I did things I'm not proud of...then I moved away.
Senior Prom
Now, I'm back "home" knowing that I am a different person, but knowing that not everyone knows that about me, not everyone knows I am changed. Knowing there is still so much more work to be done in my life...that I have not arrived, I'm not perfect... 
Today, I'm thankful for God's transformation. I'm thankful for all he has done in my life, all he has brought me through and taught me. He has REDEEMED me. I'm even more thankful, that He isn't done with me yet.
At Bible Study we are reading "How People Change" by Timothy Lane and Paul Tripp. I love what they write.
God has not called us a to a life of "I have spiritually arrived" or "I am just waiting for heaven." Rather, he calls us to a life of constant work, constant growth, and constant confession and repentance. Making us holy is God's unwavering agenda until we are taken home to be with him. He will do whatever he needs to produce holiness in us. He wants us to be a community of joy, but he is willing to compromise our temporal happiness in order to increase our Christlikeness. Any time we find ourselves in difficulty or trial, it is easy to think we have been forgotten or rejected by God. This is because we do not understand the present process. God is not working for our comfort and ease; he is working on our growth. At the very moment we are tempted to question his faithfulness, he is fulfilling his redemptive promises.
I'm so glad He is working for me...that I am still "in process" and that He is continually transforming me.

The Redeemed Runner – #31Days of Thanks

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