Wednesday, June 3, 2015

{June Goals}

May was one of those long, but short months...Like I can't believe that it is already June, but May seemed like it lasted forever! 

I love summertime, so I welcome June with open arms!

Here's a recap of my May Goals. 

1. Read 1 fiction/1 non -fiction book:I did it :)
2. Two play dates this month. - We only got in one last month
3. Go on a family trip!! - We went to Haiti! Such a great trip
4. Girls Night - This didn't happen
5. Write 1 hand written note each week. - Neither did this one
6. 100 of 1000 gifts. I love this habit!

Now for this month. 

June Goals

1. Read 1 fiction/1 non fiction book - This is my yearly goal. Also, I've felt convicted lately about how I spend my time in the evenings. So, I've been turning off the tv and internet and just reading :) 
2. 100 of 1000 gifts - Again this is a yearly goal
3. Help 5 new people reach their fitness goals
4. Run a half marathon
5. Date Weekend (It's are anniversary this month). 
6. Use Wife after God book as a devotional this month. 
7. Spend a couple nights at the cabin as a family.

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